Assessing the Service Quality of Banks by the Modified SERVQUAL Model: With Reference to the State of Odisha, India

  • Manoj Kumar Behera
  • Arup Bramha Mohapatra
Keywords: SEM, PLS, SERVQUAL, Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness


This paper tries to study the relationship between various constructs, such as tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, accuracy, security, ease of doing business, convenience and empathy with the quality of services provided by the banking sector in the state of Odisha, India.

This study uses a modified ‘SERVQUAL’ model/scale comprising seven constructs/ dimensions to measure the quality of services provided by the banks in the Odisha state. . The respondents selected are the customers from both private and public banks operating in Odisha.

The result of the study shows that, the constructs/dimensions studied in the modified SERVQUAL model and used in the study significantly and positively contribute to the customer service quality of the banks, except one construct, i. e, reliability, which significantly affects the service quality – but negatively. Further, the result points out that the banks in the state of Odisha are giving priority to the ease of doing business and facilitating convenience aspects that are followed by the responsiveness of the banks.

How to Cite
Behera, M., & Mohapatra, A. (2023). Assessing the Service Quality of Banks by the Modified SERVQUAL Model: With Reference to the State of Odisha, India. Bimaquest, 23(3). Retrieved from