A Study on the Effect of Socio Economic Factors on Awareness of Jan Suraksha Schemes Amongst the Poor and the Underprivileged Sections of Society

  • N K V Roop Kumar
  • Dr. D. D. Harsolekar
Keywords: Social Security, Jansuraksha schemes, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Awareness levels


Socio-Economic factors have an immense impact on the awareness levels amongst the poor and the underprivileged sections of society. Social security schemes are vital for providing critical financial support to the families in case of sickness, medical expenses or death of an income earner. This paper studies how socio-economic factors affect the likelihood of being unaware of the various Jansuraksha schemes. Primary data collection for the study was done through the survey method, using a structured questionnaire, carried out amongst 1,854 respondents across the various states of India. The findings of the study reveal that those who would be highly eligible, i. e. drivers, workers, students, low-income earners, were the least aware about these the various government schemes.

How to Cite
Roop Kumar, N. K. V., & Harsolekar, D. D. D. (2021). A Study on the Effect of Socio Economic Factors on Awareness of Jan Suraksha Schemes Amongst the Poor and the Underprivileged Sections of Society. Bimaquest, 21(2). Retrieved from http://bimaquest.niapune.org.in/index.php/bimaquest/article/view/102