Evaluating the Effect of CSR Initiatives on Achieving Sustainable Development in India

  • Oscar Kujur
  • Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sahu
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy, Education Expenditure, Health Expenditure, CO2 Emissions, India


Purpose: This research paper aims to investigate the intricate relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and sustainable development in India, focusing on how CSR efforts impact environmental sustainability, education, and health-care expenditures, as well as renewable energy generation and capacity.

Methodology: This paper explores the effect of CSR contributions on key sustainability measures between 2016 and 2021 using secondary data from credible sources, such as the national CSR website and the government publications. The study uses regression analysis to better understand the relationship between CSR activities and a variety of outcomes, such as renewable energy production (E-RES), CO2 emissions, renewable energy capacity (RECAP), and education and health spending.

Findings: The results show significant positive correlation between CSR initiatives and e-RES, RECAP, education and health-care expenditures, indicating that enhanced CSR efforts contribute to progress in these areas. However, no significant association was found between changes in CSR and CO2 emissions, suggesting that more targeted strategies may be needed to reduce carbon footprint.

Originality: This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical insights into the multifaceted impact of CSR on sustainable development in the Indian context. It highlights the importance of CSR as a catalyst for positive social change while identifying the environmental challenges, especially the shortcomings with regard to carbon emissions.

How to Cite
Kujur, O., & Sahu, D. S. K. (2024). Evaluating the Effect of CSR Initiatives on Achieving Sustainable Development in India. Bimaquest, 24(3). Retrieved from https://bimaquest.niapune.org.in/index.php/bimaquest/article/view/159