Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the behavior of Management Students

  • Dr. Ruchi Srivastva
Keywords: Higher Education, Ethical decision making, Social Responsibilities, Personality development


Business Ethics is crucial in the modern world for the long-term success and sustainability. Ethics and trust are the pillars for organizational as well as the individual growth. The manifold scams which have been reported in the corporate sectors have redefined and brought to the fore the importance of imparting business ethics in higher education and the business world. The educational institutions across the globe are reemphasizing on the need for the reintroduction of business ethics in educational institutions through the various learning goals involving ethical decision making and shouldering social responsibilities and accountability.

This research paper aims to study the impact of the subject of business ethics on developing the behavior or awakening of the inner consciousness regarding the ethical behavior among the management students and its role and need in contributing to the development of one’s personality imbued with character. The goal of the research is also to strengthen the continuity of ethical behavior when they join an organization as professionals.

This research is based on primary data and the relevant questionnaire is based on the Likert scale. The data thus collected is analyzed through various statistical tools like F-test and Anova-test. The data was then analyzed to elicit the respondents’ attitude to business ethics and to instill the need for ethics in business and personal life of students of both genders. We can say that those students who promote ethical practices in behavior give importance to this subject and remain in favor of its continuity as a study subject.

How to Cite
Srivastva, D. R. (2023). Impact of Teaching Business Ethics on the behavior of Management Students. Bimaquest, 23(3). Retrieved from